Are you a To Do List-er? I totally am. Always have been. My best friend from college used to tease me about and try to
hide my planner full of lists because she said I was too Type A. But I loved my planner (and still do). The thing is, it seems that the items on my To Do List never actually get done anymore. There is always something "more important" or "more pressing" that bumps my planned list out of the way. And so, here I am at least 2 WEEKS later, with the same junk on my list. What's even more sad is that the stuff that gets bumped usually has to do with home, since work and Blogalicious can't suffer...
And so it is Monday once again. A fresh start to the week and yet another chance to tackle my To Do List. In theory.
TO DOMake a list of the new furniture that we are planning to purchase and how much it will cost.
Run monthly income/expenses to see if I can work part-time by the time Chatterbox starts Kindergarten.
Send Thank You cards and family photos to the guests who attended L'il Buddy's Christening.
Upload photos from camera, starting with Cousins' Reunion pics from Memorial Day.
Write blog review posts for cookbook, kids' cooking set and diapers.