Thursday, February 25, 2010

Raising Teens

I'm sitting here watchin RHOC and am completely terrified at the prospect of raising teenagers. They're so fragile yet hostile. Give me strength. At least I have about 10 more years...

Posted via email from Unapologetically Type A


  1. I feel you on that but I'm in the middle of hell with my 16 year old step-son....he is going to drive me crazy and let's not talk about his simple mother...another case of baby-mama drama. be thankful you will only be raising your own teenager which will be ALOT easier....

  2. The thought of having a teenager, scares the bejeezus out of me.

    I have (holy crap) 6 1/2 years until teens.


  3. As a Mom of a teen, I have to tell you its not as bad as everyone claims =) just keep a sense of humor and you will be fine!

