Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mind Your Business

I'm sitting here watching Headline News and the story about people criticizing "mommy bloggers" (aren't we past that term yet?) for posting and tweeting about their personal tragedies. The story is about how @Military_Mom tweeted about her 2 year-old drowning in the pool. They also interviewed Mama Spohr about reaching out to the blogosphere when her family lost Madeline. It really irks me. People who don't understand the community and relationships that are formed via social media really should stay out of it. If Military Mom wanted to reach out to her online support system during a time of turmoil, then that's her prerogative. To those who have a problem with it? Here's an idea -

Unfollow her!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Modern Family

I just discovered this show on ABC. It's a keeper! Anybody out there a fan? Cougar Town is funny too. I'm trying to drag myself away from the reality tv cable show junkie that I've become in recent months and see what the sitcoms are talking about these days. Not bad.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ok seriously? It's December 9th and I haven't bought one gift.


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Falling Apart

They say that your body tries to give you signs that it's in distress by sending pain signals to the brain. Well, my signals are coming in loud and clear: I turned both of my ankles hiking Camelback Mountain over Thanksgiving weekend; I banged my knee somwhere; I banged my head opening up the living room chest; one of my toenails is broken smack in the middle of my toe; my back hurts...What is my deal?

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Monday, November 30, 2009


Our Thanksgiving getaway was postively wonderful. Hubby and I enjoyed 4 days of snot-free, whine-free, interrupted sleep-free bliss. Of course I missed the heck out of the crew by Day 2, but that's the way love goes, right? Still, that "80-minute Cherry Harvest Festival sour cherry wrap with herbally infused mud followed with moisturizing cherry plum body soufflé," was worth every.single.moment away. Heavenly!

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Friday, November 27, 2009

It Never Gets Old

I just love watching old reruns of The Cosby Show. The writing and acting was just so good.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

If Only

I love how Gucci is sending me catalogs like I'm going to do my holiday shopping there. I'm so flattered.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Thank You

Yesterday Justice Ny told me that I looked like I lost weight. Hooray! Music to my ears. I guess it's because I've actually been using the treadmill on a semi-regular basis. Walking while watching my favorite shows; running during the commercials. So exercise really does work huh? How about that.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Making Lemonade

Lately it seems women all around me are asking me for tips of how to do it. "It" being juggling home, family and career of course. (What were you thinking? I'm so not an expert on that. Ahem.) So anyway, I thought I'd share my shortcuts, tips and tricks for holding it all together. If you've got a burning question, pressing conundrum or just want to find a way to remember that this morning was Show and Tell before it occurring to you in the middle of your 10am staff meeting, then just shoot me an email. I'll answer all of your questions as best as I can once a week.

I'm helpful like that.

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We've been looking for Fall boots for Chatterbox everywhere. Every store that we've been to has a cute selection of boots in her size, but she doesn't like anything. Except for "the boots like yours, Mommy." Meaning my faithful Uggs, of course. "Ha ha" I laughed to myself - "maybe when you're old enough to get a J-O-B."

Six hours and an entire mall later, Hubby and I found ourselves at the cash register at Nordstrom's...size 1 Uggs in hand.

That's my girl.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Style

Last week I took a Leadership Training Workshop at work. The purpose was to teach us how to become better team leaders in the workplace. The interesting thing that I wasn't expecting was that the lessons I learned really apply to my life outside of the office also, and gave me great insight into myself. Sounds trite, I know.

The foundation of the training was that D.I.S.C. personality inventory, developed by William Moulton Marston. Basically the premise is that each of us have a very distinct and predictable pattern of observable behavior sounding in one of these dimensions (for the most part each of us have some of each these dimensions in our personality, but we generally have a tendency to exhibit one of them more than the rest):

"D"ominance: To the point, decisive and bottom line oriented. These people tend to be independent and results driven. They are strong-willed people who enjoy challenges, taking action, and immediate results.

"I"nfluence: Optimistic and outgoing. They tend to be highly social and out going. They prefer participating on teams, sharing thoughts, and entertaining and energizing others.

"S"teadiness: Empathetic & Cooperative. These people tend to be team players and are supportive and helpful to others. They prefer being behind the scene, working in consistent and predictable ways. They are often good listeners and avoid change and conflict

"C"onscientiousness: Concerned, Cautious & Correct. These people are often focused on details and quality. They plan ahead, constantly check for accuracy, and what to know "how" and "why".

We took a personality assessment prior to the training and answered questions that resulted in each of us receiving a comprehensive, 17-page profile about how we respond to different situations in the workplace. No surprise here; I scored highest in the "I" or "Influence" dimension. And I have to say, that the assessment was dead on. There was even a page on "Things NOT to do while communicating with Fergie." Things such as:
  • Don't leave decisions hanging in the air
  • Don't talk in a loud voice or use confrontation
  • Don't be dictatorial

The "Do's" were equally right on target:

  • Do provide a warm and friendly environment
  • Do be sincere and use a tone of voice that shows sincerity
  • Do support your communications with correct facts and data
What's funny is that it became crystal clear to me why I react the way I do in certain situations, based on that assessment. It's been extremely useful - just within the past week - in helping me to cope with interactions with those with a very different communication style from mine.

I'm an "I." And I like it.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Hole In My Pantyhose

Today I had to get all dressed up for work, which is a rarity. I was participating in a media training workshop and this morning we had to do a mock interview on camera, with a reporter asking us questions and the whole bit. Yesterday we were given instructions to follow when it came to selecting our interview wardrobe. Solid, colors, simple jewelery, natural makeup. I went through the mental checklist again as I looked down at myself before the camera started rolling. But, oh wait -


Hmmm. Why is that?

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rainy Day

The perfect rainy day schedule:

9am - wake up. watch cartoons.

10am - eat pancakes, eggs and sausage for breakfast.

11am - do Kindergarten homework. Read stories.

12pm - check email. do "workouts" led by a hyper-energetic 5 year-old.

1pm - eat indoor picnic lunch on the new bedroom carpet. [shhh...don't tell dad]

2pm - run outside to ride bikes and burn off some energy while there's a break in the rain.

2:30pm - dry everyone off after getting soaked.

3pm - have a dance party to Toddler Tunes and Kidz Choice channels on TV.

5pm - enjoy pasta dinner.

6pm - Movie Night Part I: Kids Turn

9pm - Movie Night Part II: Mom's Turn

11pm - sleep.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

In The Movies

Things that happen in the movies that always crack me up:

  • Turning off the TV to answer the door
  • Eating Chinese food out of the boxed containers with chopsticks
  • Bubble baths with impossible mountains of bubbles

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Monday, August 17, 2009

My Ever-Lovin' To Do List

Are you a To Do List-er? I totally am. Always have been. My best friend from college used to tease me about and try to hide my planner full of lists because she said I was too Type A. But I loved my planner (and still do). The thing is, it seems that the items on my To Do List never actually get done anymore. There is always something "more important" or "more pressing" that bumps my planned list out of the way. And so, here I am at least 2 WEEKS later, with the same junk on my list. What's even more sad is that the stuff that gets bumped usually has to do with home, since work and Blogalicious can't suffer...

And so it is Monday once again. A fresh start to the week and yet another chance to tackle my To Do List. In theory.


  • Make a list of the new furniture that we are planning to purchase and how much it will cost.
  • Run monthly income/expenses to see if I can work part-time by the time Chatterbox starts Kindergarten.
  • Send Thank You cards and family photos to the guests who attended L'il Buddy's Christening.
  • Upload photos from camera, starting with Cousins' Reunion pics from Memorial Day.
  • Write blog review posts for cookbook, kids' cooking set and diapers.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Ever feel like you are running on empty? Well that's how I feel right about now! I'm pooped and have so much going on that I don't know if I'm coming or going. So, I'm very sorry to be neglecting my pretty little blog over here. I feel bad about it - I really do. I need to do a couple of things to get my life back in order and I promise that I'll be back soon.


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Monday, June 22, 2009


Don't underestimate the value of bonafide girl-time. On Friday the MamaLaw gals and another close friend spent the night at a hotel where we broadcast our first episode of our web show, hit the town for drinks and heart-to-heart convo, and laughed ALL NIGHT. Do you hear me? We laughed and laughed and laughed until 4:30am. I swear I was crying and my throat hurt from cracking up. Good times. I still can't help but smile when I think about us laughing. That has got to be good for the soul.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Strange Kind of Paranoia

Since we've been married, my hubby has worked in somewhat remote, secluded locations as a contractor for the federal government. He would drive to work and drive home, spending his entire day in compund-like surroundings with other engineer-types. Bo-ring. A couple of months ago, he started a new job and this time the client where he is placed, is located smack in the middle of downtown. Hubby was so excited to start his new gig because he would finally be surrounded by normal restaurants! and shops! and a plethora of cosmopolitan people! He would also be within walking distance to my office and so, in addition to our morning and evening commute, we had visions of going on lunch dates together.

What didn't occur to me was that Hubby would be "exposed" to all of DC's finest female eye candy. The professional women that go to work dressed to the nines and the not-so-professional women who hang out downtown scantily clad. I asked him about it this morning and he said that the eye candy now that he works in town is "definitely better!" And of course he laughed and so did I. But while it never even crossed my mind to worry about the possibility of his eyes wandering before, and he's never given me any reason to fret, it's a concern at the back of my mind now! I may need to step up my wardrobe game...and schedule some of those lunch dates, quick fast and in a hurry!

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The Daily Shoe

I see many Girls' Night Out in your future...

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Daily Shoe

I saw these Nike Air Max 1s in a DTLR store in the mall on Sunday and had to have them. Apparently they had been exclusive in Europe until now and were designed to commemorate the 40 year anniversary of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. Nice to know they have social meaning. I just thought they were fly.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Daily Shoe

When you're in a chunky mood: the DKNY "Lenore" Ankle Strap Sandals.

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Cramping My Style

Oh the Cramps. They are killing me. Instead of them getting better after having kids, it seems that they got worse! Ever since I had L'il Buddy last year, they have been giving me The Bizness on a monthly basis. I even went and got checked out for fibroids. Fortunately, I didn't have any, but unfortunately, I have no idea why my periods are so butal these days. Any home remedies you recommend? Any ideas as to why this is happening? Sorry if this is TMI. But we're all friends here, right?

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Friday, May 15, 2009

I Just Don't Get It

Why are celebrities still making sex tapes and allowing people to take nude photos of them? I mean it's 2009 people. Everything's digital and that means nothing and no one is sacred. Photos are taken on camera phones and emailed to the world or at the very least uploaded to Facebook. Videos are put up on YouTube (at least until they are taken down) and let's not even talk about the viral forwarding of emails. So just in the past week when I heard of nude photos of Cassie and Rhianna being leaked and a "sex tape" of Hoopz, I was aghast. Have they not learned anything from the unfortunate celebs before them who fell to the same fate? Or maybe they want the publicity. Any publicity is good publicity, right? Just ask Ray J.

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The Daily Shoe

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Long-Distance Grandma

My mom called yesterday lamenting about how her grandkids are sooooo far away and how it's not fair because so and so's grandson lives around the corner from her and such and such's granddaughter lives right down the street from her. It's true, it bites that we live so far away from the grandparents. No one regrets that more than me as I listen to my friends exclaim what a relaxing weekend they had after dropping the kids off to Grandma's house for the weekend. Oh how I would love that. We gets no break in my house. Especially since Hubby won't entertain the idea of hiring a babysitter (trust issues). So alas, we are relegated to Grandma's quarterly visits (which she is great about doing) and the once-in-a-blue-moon family trip we can make to Florida (the price of 4 plane tickets is no joke!) I tell ya, if I had to do it all over again, I would make sure that we at least lived within a couple of hours of family. Oh and that we bought a house with a garage. Having somewhere to put the Disney Princess scooters when they are not in use is almost as important. Trust me on that.

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The Daily Shoe

The Trixie pump by Brian Atwood.
The man can design some shoes.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You Know What They Say About Plans...

It's funny how no matter what plans you may think you have, life has a mind of its own and takes you in whatever direction it chooses. As one of my new year's resolutions for 2009 I vowed to explore my love for writing and I started this blog as an outlet to do just that. And then the idea for Blogalicious 2009 came along and from that several other ideas (that we'll be unveiling soon!) that are clamoring for my attention, and that I'm excited about, but that have taken a front seat to my writing aspirations for the year. So that's why I've been neglecting my poor little blog over here. Not because I don't have stuff to say or because I don't love my followers (because I really do!) I'm just being pulled in 3,000 different directions right now. So I can't promise you that I'll have a Daily Shoe for you, well daily. But I can promise you that I'm working my tushie off trying to follow the path that God is showing me and that I'll post as often as I can.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Doin' It Big In Texas

Day 1 of our fabulous Dallas bloggerazzi trip is nearing an end. After a long but fun day of seeing how the other half lives, I am finally in bed, wiped. We spent all day doing a photo shoot and video shoot for the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women's latest campaign. It was a total gas having our hair and makeup done and going through multiple wardrobe changes and having a stylist primp and fuss over us for hours. The AHA staff was absolutely wonderful, as was our comedian of a photographer, Paul Schiefer. To end the day we all enjoyed a delicious dinner at Cibus. And I am beat. I can understand why Beyonce always needs to vacation in St. Tropez - this lifestyle is postively exhausting.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

The Daily Shoe

In honor of my upcoming trip to Texas, here are some stylish cowgirl boots from my girl, Jessica Simpson. Nevermind that I would never be able to walk in them (do you see that heel?), I think they're adorable.

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So I'm going to Dallas, Texas on Monday. I've been invited, along with the other ladies of MamaLaw, to participate in the American Heart Association's Go Red for a Better U makeover program set to launch in June! It's an exciting opportunity and I can't wait to get started for the simple fact that I could definitely use a kick in the rear to jumpstart my health and fitness routine. I have started going to spinning classes at the gym and have lost 3lbs since last week, so I am glad to be on the right track. Anyway, we're all headed to Dallas on Monday for a health assessment (including a treadmill test - yikes), a photo shoot, video interviews and media training. It sounds like so much fun and I'm totally looking forward to it. Dallas, here I come!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Daily Shoe: Earth Week

J-41 Footwear is embracing the eco-friendly shoe movement with their vegan Aquarius mesh casual slip-on Mary Janes.

And they come in little people sizes too! (Sorry, couldn't resist).

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Monday, April 20, 2009

The Daily Shoe: Earth Week

In honor of Earth Week, I'm going to (try and) bring you shoes that are eco-friendly. If you're a hardcore shoe lover (like me) you might be skeptical of any "green" shoe designer bragging about shoes made of bamboo and recycled burlap. The MINK Shoes Collection will not disappoint. Here is a description of the line:

MINK shoes are custom designed and hand crafted from only the finest quality non-animal products. Natural or scientifically engineered alternatives such as cork, denim, linen, faux fur, and other animal friendly substitutes are employed. Leather, suede, pelts, and skins are never used. MINK Shoes adheres to a strict policy of animal preservation, protection, and safeguarding in its designs. Each shoe is extremely unique and is offered in a very limited production.

And they look great too! So go forth and buy eco-friendly shoes. can actually help the environment by shopping :-)

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Friday, April 17, 2009

The Daily Shoe

Here's the thing about Crocs - people either love them or hate them. I happen to love them and have a couple pairs. They are ridiculously comfy and easy to slip on for a quick trip to the park or the grocery store. But, if you're one of those people who thinks they are hideously ugly and wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of those bulky, plastic, orthopedic-looking clogs, here is the new Venice heeled shoe made by Crocs. Same comfy footbed, much more stylish look! Convinced?

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